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When self-mastery becomes your daily practice

Reflection without judgment, with compassion.
What have I learned from my previous actions?
Objective reflection allows for absolute clarity of intention. You choose who you become.
Clear intention allows
for decisive action.
Do more of, do less of.
(Be more, be less).
It is not who you are that holds you back, it is who you think you are not.
SHIFT: Core Values

No one is coming to save you, and no one is going to stop you, except YOU. Accountability allows us to unleash our true potential.

A lie needs to be told on repeat to be kept alive. Truth is found within you, you don’t have to defend it. Set it free, it will defend itself.

Open minds catch the winds of change. Curiosity allows us to challenge old beliefs and let go of them if they no longer serve us.

When we find self compassion we find compassion for others. Letting go of judgment of our past allows for clarity of mind.

In the present moment you are faced with a choice; fear of the future, or faith in the future. Each is as real as you make it right now.

Your potential is unlimited, simply because it represents everything that is still unrealised. You have infinite space to grow into.
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